Welcome my friends. I'm Aliyah, your Angel Messenger. Put it simply, I talk to Angels. I connect with Angels constantly. They are with me everywhere I go, giving me guidance and protection in whatever I do.
In fact, I got the name Aliyah from the Angels. My Guru was asking me to ask the Angels for a "Angel Name" for my practice. Just when i wonder how I'm going to do so, the Angels gave me this name, Aliyah. After research, I found it links to my past live. Very interesting. :)
Your Angels are with you too, though you may or may not be aware. Join me in my spiritual journey. I can help you connect with your Angels.
A Clairaudient,Claircognizant & Clairsentient, I bring you messages, advice and guidance from the Angels in all aspects of your life. I'm also a Angel Magic practitioner, using white magic to provide special assistance or just general blessings in your life.
In this blog, I'll share readings of some of my clients (names will be changed to protect their identity), some real-life experiences, and articles and information on Angels. If there's anything you'll like to share or know more about, I'm just an email away: 7aliyah@gmail.com
Nice to meet you.